The information contained on this site is for information only and does not substitute for medical or health professional assessment and advice. The views expressed in articles are the contributors own and not necessarily those of ENSA Incorporated. Statement of fact are believed to be true, but no responsibility for inaccuracy can be accepted. The display of, or the mention of any products or resources does not constitute endorsement of such products or resources by ENSA Inc. Those interested in further information should contact the source. This web site provides links to other endocrine associated organisations for the interest of visitors, but does not control content of these sites.
ENSA Inc. complies with the new, national privacy legislation - The Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2001 effective 21 December, 2001. Often we ask the Pharmaceutical Industry to assist with mail outs of relevant ENSA matters fro your information, e.g. ENSA Newsletters, Research Scholarship Flyers, Conference updates and educational information. This is done only with the agreement that this information (name and address) may only be used for the purposes for which we ask. As a non-profit organisation we are grateful for the support of the Pharmaceutical Industry in assisting us with furthering the education of endocrine nurses within Australia and who without their support, we could not survive as an organisation.